Friday, October 9, 2009

Want's to Go Just Like That? No, Please Don't!

Dear Subscriber,

Let's reason together! God gave us the manuals of our lives to read - The Bible.  It is guiding our lives today. Some other faiths have theirs too.

Other great authors like William Shakespeare left their own footprints in the sands of time through writing books; some more people e.g. Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Ben Carson, Bill Clinton, are leaving their own now for generations yet unborn to learn from. The writer of this blog has written 8 books (the first of which is his autobiography) and is still writing, and intends to write many more - just to better the society.

America made the advancement it made through preservation of ideas for generations to come. India and China are doing so today. Indeed, do you know that they have surpassed America?

What are you going to leave behind for the generations to come? Start with the documentation of your own history then write something about what you know about your chosen profession for others to read. Don't be selfish, don't come to this world quietly and go just like that! Leave something. Advance knowledge in whatever you know best to do. Document them! Good morning. For my other blogsites on marriage, wealth creation, etc,  (please click here) and remember to share them with your loved ones too!

That We'll All Die of Something

According to Ben Carson in his book "Take The Risk", p. 61 the odds that we will die of something  at some point in our lives is in a ratio of 1:1. This is because the risks are just too many around us.  Let's consider the ratios of our dying of the following risks:

Cancer: 1 in 500
Drowning: 1 in 50,000
Riding your bicycle: 1 in 130,000
N ieplNW XEah ` in 1:250,000
In your bathtub: 1 in 1,000,000
Falling out of bed: 1 in 2,000,000
Freezing to death 1 in  3,000,000
Struck by lightning (if you are a man) 1 in 2,000,000
                            (if you are  a woman) 1 in 10,000,000
Rabies (in the US): 1 in 100,000,000
A foreign object inadvertently left in your body during surgery 1 in 80,000,000, (far lower in Nigeria!)
A falling meteror roughly 1 in 5,000,000
Schacharin sweetner is dangerous but the same volume of sugar for sweetening is more dangerous!
Aspirin causes stomach ulcers, yet we are advised to take aspirin to avoid stroke
The process of giving birth to a child by a woman is one of the riskiest of of all risks because the woman dies, then the baby comes out of her, then she comes to life again Yet women will always opt for pregnancy!  (my own addition)

So whichever way we tilt, there's danger, it is simply a matter of being knowledgeable enough to consider their level of severity and whether we can tolerate them or not.  So, again, whether we like it or not we all take risks!  Good moni.