Bible Text: In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. Eccl. 11:6
Sometimes, when I wake up at 4 a.m. switch my lamp on and cross over to the backyard garden and begin to transplant tomatoes, those around me often say, “Daddy, does not sleep”. They never knew that I had made a discovery in Eccl. 11:6 where I have understood the mind of God as far as working (or praying or reading or writing or farming etc is concerned) A good example as a writer is that this piece you are reading is written between 1:40 and 2:51 am, otherwise I probably would have claimed there was no time to write it!
If you are not persistent in your sowing or even during harvest, you will either plant nothing or you will lose your all your harvests to the animals, pests or thieves who are waiting to reap where they never sowed. There was this maize I planted mid-2016. It did so well but I had no time to harvest it. By the time I got there, it was rather too late. Our friends, the cow rearers and their cows have dealt wickedly with it. I gained nothing from all my labours! Likewise, if you are to tomato farmer, if you are not persistent, you will never have cause to rejoice because you may have to plant each heap more than five times before it can stand. Therefore if you are easily discouraged, don’t venture into tomato farming. (Where then will you venture into that does not require persistence? I don’t know for all ventures are the same) But if you have a heart that never gives up, keep sowing. After three months, you will be the happiest tomato farmer when you see the lights that shine upon every tomato stem you plant. However, if you lose speed in harvesting, you may lose everything just as I did! You must be a hard and at the same time a smart worker to make gains. That is the reality of life. It is a game. You never can tell which experiment will work. Therefore, you must keep on experimenting, day and night. It is a restless place. It does not smile at anybody!
If we want to make an impact on any venture, we are to work day and night. There are many examples of this in the Bible. The rains that destroyed the world during Noah’s time fell 40 days and nights non-stop, Gen. 7:4. The Cloud as well as the pillar of light kept the Israelites moving ‘day and night’ to the promised land, Exod. 13:21. Aaron and his children kept the lamp burning at the Tabernacle day and night, worshipping the Lord. Exod. 27:21. God commanded Joshua that he should study the word of God and meditate upon it day and night. Moses disappeared into the cloud forty days an’d forty nights Exod. 24:18. Moses fasted for 40 days and for forty nights Exod. 34:28. Jesus did the same thing for forty days and forty nights Matt. 4:2.
So if you ever think there a time will come that you will just sit down, fold your arms and things will just happen in your favour, brethren, you are day-dreaming. Wake up from that slumber and take day and night as a working time and keep busy sowing your seek.
Action Point: Resolve to work day and night at whatever you choose to do from now on.
Prayer point: Lord, according to your word in Deut. 28:12-13, as I work day and night from now, bless all the work of my hands in Jesus name.