Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You Can Inspire (or Kill) People!

We are all differently gifted. On the positive side, some people have the gift of giving, some of speaking, some of teaching, some of visitation, some of making people happy, some of preaching, some of good counsel, some of turning stones to bread!  There are some people, who, no matter how down one is, their presence or appearance, even without necessarily uttering a word, lifts the spirit!  Such people need to be present in many places to inspire people!

Likewise, on the negative, some are sorrow carriers,  gossipers while some have evil viruses that infect anyone they come in contact with.  Some are just impossible people and they enjoy being just that.

Positive or negative, it is a matter of which side of the coin we want to belong. We can always change at will. Someone on the positive side, might suddenly change to the negative while those on the negative might decide to go the other way.

There was this lady colleague of the writer. She was very aggressive, uncooperative. She can look at anybody, not matter his or her status in the face. If the environment had been peaceful, the moment she came in, it would turn uneasy.

One day, as we were discussing she told us her story. She said she started out life being humble, quiet and very enduring. Indeed she was a very shy person who could not look at anybody in the face. But that one day she just decided to become bold, aggressive, and so on. Unfortunately the time she did this was a crucial stage of her life when she needed to be well-behaved so she could receive favour from the network of people she related with both for marriage and career development etc. Unfortunately, people were scared by her attitude such that promotion, marriage etc eluded her!

That's to say that we all have the tendency to change. But it's a matter of choice. Which side of the divide are you today? If negative, choose to change to the positive. If positive, choose to remain consistent. YOU CAN DO IT! JUST DO IT! IT IS BENEFICIAL FOR YOU TO DO IT.

Remember to read your Bible and pray today. Have a nice day.

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