Friday, August 19, 2016

Universal Brotherhood

Today’s Energiser
Topic:   Universal Brotherhood

Bible Text:   Then God said, “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life—the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals,* and small animals.”So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.  Gen. 1:26-27 (NLT)

From the foundation of human existence as recorded in Gen. 1:26-27 quoted above, all human beings are one.  God created “people”.  So the nexus that binds us together as one family is the  “people”principle.  So long as you are a human being, you are a “people”.  There was no religion attached to “people”.  We are first a people before veering into our various religions which  in themselves, emerged as a result of disobedience of our father, Abraham, who as a human being, reasoning logically thought that all hope of getting a  promised Isaac was lost, agreed with his wife produce a child for them through Hagar – a child that God Almighty did not discriminate against Himself!
And the story of discrimination had begun from there and till date it continues leading to shedding blood.
If only people will see themselves as a people, there will be universal bond of brotherhood amongst us all and peace would have reigned.  If people will realise that the next door neighbour is my brother or sister, whose keeper I must be (irrespective of his religious perspective), there will be no blood shed.  If people (of all religions and even the free thinkers) will see themselves as the one that they are from the perspective of their origin and as children from the same parents, they will allow peace to reign.  Any form of discrimination is Satan’s device to actualise his purpose in human life: to kill, to steal and to destry. (John 10:10)
Yes, I am a Christian and a Pastor for that matter.  This does not exempt me from being a “people” with my brothers and sisters who may have chosen, religiously, to be what they understand to be the right path (life is a matter of choice – Deut. 30:19). They remain my brothers and sisters because we come from the same source.  Their choices of religion: Christianity, Islam, etc (or even preferring to be an animist), should not prevent me from extending a hand of fellowship to them.  It does not prevent me from being generous towards them.  After all did my Bible not tell me that I should love God and love my neighbours as myself? Any moment I deviate from this golden rule, I have forsaken God – this is the truth whether I admit it or not. And many Christians, Muslims, free thinkers have chosen to forsake God because they are discriminating.  The greatest I can do to my brother or sister out there is to invite him to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour.  I am still expressing love to him or her.  But the choice is his or hers to do so or not to do so.  That they don’t become Christians by my admonition should not form the basis where I will not want to see him fulfilling his own destiny in this planet.  Religion, honestly, is all about making heaven and making heaven or not is a choice one must make him or herself.
Brethren, there will be great surprises in Heaven oh.  But let us all remember, we are a “people” before we chose our religions. There is a universal brotherhood that joins us together.  Don’t let us break it.  God bless you.

Prayer point:  Father,  open my eyes to behold the truth to see everyone as my family and treat them as such IJN.

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