Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Good Mother’s Devotion to her Children’s Destiny

A Good Mother’s Devotion to her
Children’s Destiny

 "And his mother stored all these things in her heart. 
Luke 2:51

When Angel Gabriel delivered to Mary, (the mother of Jesus),  the message concerning the birth of Jesus, the only question she asked was a clarification about how it would happen.  When the clarification was made she believed wholeheartedly that it would happen to her.  But when the same Angel delivered similar message to the Priest named Zechariah, Zechariah disbelieved!  Young Mary’s belief fetched her the prophecy without any form of punishment but Rev. Zecharaiah had to undergo  dumbness and remained so until the fulfilment of the prophesy – the birth of John the Baptist.  It is noteworthy here that the greatest unbelievers of Christ are amongst the Priests of Jesus - the highly religious and most  respected scholars!  They (the priests) who ought to protect Jesus also played prominent roles in ensuring his crucifixion!  That's of course the ironing of life knowledgeable but undiscerning! That's what many 'men of God' are today.  However let's leave out the men and their unbelieving syndrome and address our women for now. 

Another important thing that made Mary unique and which accelerated the fulfilment of God’s promises for Jesus’ life was that she took everything prophesied in the life of Jesus very seriously, believing them all.  Not only that she meditated upon them day and night in her heart and of course must expectantly be praying for their fulfilment.

In today’s materialistic world, one wonders roles mothers are playing to ensure the fulfilment of their children’s God ordained destinies.  Mothers who are hardly at home can hardly know what is happening to their children talkless of ‘meditating’ upon the future of their children.  Instead many women now meditate on money matters rather than the proper upbringing of their children.  A typical example of was a woman reported the papers recently to have offered her 14 year old daughter for prostitution!

Mothers who are reading this message, my question for you is “Are you like Mary or like the woman who offered her promising daughter for financial gains?  Remember however that whichever one you are, there will be a day of reckoning.

Good morning.