Today’s Energiser
Topic: A Destiny Helper
Bible Text: “So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Heb. 13:6
Who are helpers? Helpers are those who make the attainment of set goals easier for the people they are assisting to reach such goals. When we talk of destiny helpers, we are therefore talking about those who make the attainment of another person(s) destiny attainable.
To think that a helper is limited to those who help you is to make a mistake. It is not so. Everybody is a helper of destiny. You are one. I am one. Our strategies may differ just as our assignments may equally do.
When we look at helpers of destiny from the perspective of those who help us alone, we tend to be selfish and might behave like pesters who bothered not about what they can do to help others. But when we look at it from the angle of being helpers of other people’s destiny, then we will have a balanced picture of who a helper of destiny is. Just as we need help, so do others need our help in whatever capacity we can. Some people also consider helpers of destiny as those who always give them money to do something. This is a myopic thinking. Money is important but helps do come from different angles.
A brilliant student who assists in coaching another less brilliant student until the latter gain mastery of his subject is a destiny helper. A wife is given to a man and vice versa to help one another in many ways: to avoid loneliness, to procreate, to support the man, financially, spiritually, materially, morally etc (Prov. 31:11-31). Likewise the man is assigned to his wife to provide for her abundantly. Parents are duty-bound to be the destiny-helpers to their children by taking the best of care of them until they can stand on their own. Siblings are destiny helpers of one another if only they will recognise their roles and perform them. Good friends are destiny helpers as well.
Churches provide spiritual help while secular schools provide academic help to the people to assist them to attain a better tomorrow. We have gifted teachers, gifted counsellors etc who are all in the business of helping the destiny of other people. So stop seeing yourself as someone who must always be assisted without a responsibility to assist others fulfil their own destinies. If you think this way, you will never be creative and will be completely self-centred, burdensome to others instead of sharing the burdens of others. In whatever capacity you can, help people.
Another thing to remember is that help should be a help. I mean assistance! If you take help too far, you will overstretch your helper and he will run away from you. Let him or her determine the best way he or she thinks they can help you. Avoid giving people the bills for the goods they never purchase and asking them to bear it all just because they must help you. Just imagine somebody coming to you every now and then for financial support. At a stage you will see such a person as a waster. I guess you will at a stage begin to avoid him or her. Let help be voluntary. Let help be free will. Let help be something that you give or receive without pestering your helpers. Again, if someone is unable to assist you, don’t pick a quarrel with him or her – instead appreciate his past help (if any) and seek your present help elsewhere while maintaining cordial relationship all along. His time for assisting you may not be today. He may be the one inviting you for support when you least expected he could offer one. If you are unable to render help to people, do not compound their problems by calling them names (a pester, a disturber, a detractor, a never-do-well, an ingrate, etc) just because they ask you for support. Before those looking up to you for one help or another, always tow the path of humility knowing fully well that God Almighty is the overall help for us all in times of need. Do what you can do cheerfully and let you helpee be motivated and be voluntarily provoked to be grateful to you for ever.
Action Point. Resolve today to see yourself as a helper of somebody’s destiny and play that role. Resolve also not to be a burden on other people in the name of seeking their help without a break.
Prayer Point: Lord, lay it upon the hearts of my destiny helpers to perform their roles without me pestering them. Lord bless me to the point that I can be a blessing to others in Jesus name.