Monday, August 15, 2016

Do Devotionals Replace the Bible?

Today’s Daily Energiser
Bible Text:  “Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.”

I started with “Our Daily Bread” as far as the ‘70k.  I later added stuffs like  “Open Heavens”,  “Daily Manner”, “Rhapsody of Reality”, “Everyday With Jesus”, plus the recent addition of my “Daily Energiser” at, Facebook,  Twitter, etc. I have found that Daily Devotionals are very useful tools.  They address specific issues related to our daily living.  I particularly remembered one of “Our Daily Bread” messages that helped me overcome the monster called unforgiveness sometimes ago.  There was this colleague of mine who once seriously embarrassed me so much that I vowed that I would never forgive her.  To actualise my confession, I lodged a formal report to the appropriate authorities for purposes of bringing her to book.  She happened to be the wife (I never knew till then) of one of my very close friends within the organisation. Coming to this realisation during the course of investigating her, honestly did not matter to me because I was very sure I was in the right and bent on revenging. I completely was ignorant of the fact that “vengeance is the Lord’s”.
A panel was set up to dispose of the matter. Having noticed that the outcome of the exercise would surely make her lose her job, some members of the panel appealed to me to forgive her and withdraw the case. I blended stubbornness with humility by politely maintaining my rigid stand not to forgive her, no matter what the outcome would be.   The matter had got to the peak and decision about to be taken.
Then one morning before their decision, I read the topic “To Err is man, To Forgive is Divine”.  The body of the message addressed all the reasons why I must forgive – indeed it was directly addressed to me.  It was then I became conscious that if I failed to forgive my erring sister, I would surely grieve the Holy Spirit.  And on getting to the office same day, I picked up my phone called up the chairman of the panel and told him I was withdrawing the case because I had forgiven her.  Without the “Our Daily Bread” which I read that morning, I would have made a silly mistake as a Christian.  This is how useful devotionals can be but are they self-sufficient for our numerous spiritual daily guidance needs?  Certainly no.  We ought to read more.  The primary source of divine inspiration and motivation is the Holy Bible and if we must succeed in life we must be garner adequate knowledge  (Hosea 4:6) that will lead to understanding and ultimately to wisdom that will make us do the right thing wherever we find ourselves – especially during temptations to sin.  Bible itself makes it clear in Josh.1:8-10 that we must devote our time to study it “day and night” if we are to record good success.
No matter how useful devotionals or other spiritual literatures for that matter may be, they never and will never replace the Bible. Those who wrote them have drawn deep knowledge from the Bible itself so, read your Bible daily to get deeper revelations (Deut.29:29) that can propel you to write devotionals for others just as I do now. It will also enable you to verify what devotional writers are saying from the source of their fountain – the Holy Bible.

Prayer Point: LORD, grant my heart the desire to want to know you more through the reading of your unchangeable manual of life – the Holy Bible - in Jesus’ name.

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