Saturday, January 16, 2010

Positive Flashes: Get Connected

 Missed Connections?

‘‘Much of human misery and disease derives from self-centeredness, or the inability to transcend the confining limits of the ego world. Depression, anger, loneliness and other immune-suppressing emotions are rooted in self-centeredness. To reduce any self-centeredness that you may have in your life, try making the following connections. Each will help you get closer to achieving optimum health.
“Connect with nature and earth. Slow down and observe and appreciate nature through walks, gardening, picnics or outdoor activities.
“Connect with animals. People with pets tend to be healthier, both mentally and physically. The responsibility of owning a pet can put your priorities in focus. Plus, animals provide unconditional love, which is always rewarding.
“Connect with family. Instead of thinking of family as immediate and extended, try to consider your family as just that: family. Near or far, family is what keeps us real.
“Connect with community. Interacting with those around you, and the area in which you reside, is a good way to create a sense of strength and comfort for yourself and others. “Connect with (I recommend JESUS Christ to you!) a higher power....” - Annonymous

(Brackets mine)

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