Friday, September 18, 2009

To Have Good Judgment

Because of selfish interests, every human being in biased. Therefore to have good (unbiased) judgment on every issue before us, let's fear the Lord. It is not easy but it is possible if we are willing.

According to the Bible in Prov. 9 :10 "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment." Let us imbibe wisdom and knowledge. Good morning.

Compromise in Marriage

Barak Obama loves politics like children love Ice Cream!
His wife Michelle hates it like a plague. Hear her: "I don't have the patience for it  but I know you will always want to do it".
And she played along!
Today Barak is President of America
Michelle is First Lady of America
Both of them from very humble beginnings
Husband and wife should always reach a compromise
So they can always win.

Good morning.
Source: 'Audacity of Hope" by Barak Obama. 2nd to the last Chapter.