Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who Will Enter The Kingdom of Heaven?

In Matt 10:2-5 Jesus, trapped with the question of divorce wisely told his tempters that Moses permitted it because of the hardness of their hearts otherwise it shouldn’t happen at all. Saying otherwise even though it was the truth, would have been fatal. But when talking to his disciples in v. 11, he said point blank: “Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her”! He owes them no duty of care because they are not his tempters; so, he is not interested in the ‘why’s’ of this world. He went ahead to tell them the fuller meaning “adultery” which in itself is a sin which we all know God hates, that we engage in it notwithstanding! In the subsequent verses when dealing with the rich man who thought he has fulfilled all righteousness through good works to qualify him for heaven, Jesus shocked him by saying his deeds alone would not save him. What would save him is to follow him i.e. have a genuine relationship with him, not his tithes, offerings, whether he is polygamous or monogamous,rich or poor, etc.

Then what are we talking about in Christianity and heavenly home?

The answer is simple: our good works and genuine relationship with God will generate God's grace to save us. All those saved all through history (except Jesus who was perfect), were sinners but they did their best in terms of work but more importantly had deep relationship with God. That’s the Moses, and David and Solomon, Jacob, notorious Paul the Apostle and other biblical examples we know about. Why not join them? How? Accept the Lord Jesus Christ. Read your Bible daily. Be guided by the Holy Spirit in everything you do. Good morning.

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