Tuesday, October 13, 2009

There's No Blissful Marriage!

Spinsters & Bachelors, I know you are anxious to get married!  You've spotted that 'angelic' spirit-filled man or woman of God.  Day and night you dream of him or her!  Indeed nothing is sweeter than him or her in your life anymore!  Your marriage will be 'blissful'! 

Good thinking!  Let me first advise you that MARRIAGE itself is only but a NECESSARY RISK.  Whether there's a blissful marriage or not, ask those who are already in it. Read the newspapers, surf  the (visit http://www.onlinedivorce.com/ ) for statistics, go to the law courts for details of past/ongoing divorce cases.  Above all, ask our wise King Solomon what led him to 700/300 wife/concubineship!

Why is there no blissful marriage? It is so because every marriage is like a voyage in the ocean, some portions of the oceans are peaceful, some turbulent.  Every marriage must pass through its own wilderness where there are mannas, serpents, valleys, mountains, swamp, desserts and thick forests etc. Sometimes, water must come out of the rocks to continue in relationship!  Only those who are prepared for these challenges will succeed in it!  Want yours to succeed?  Order your copy of my books: "Now That You Are Married, Make It Work"  and for singles: "This Think Called Marriage"
Good morning.

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