Thursday, February 4, 2010

What's Life for me?

That's the answer everyone of us is searching for throughout our daily struggles!  

When a child is born, he or she cannot comprehend the essence of life.  Merely looking at his parents, he feels secured.  He is  unconditional supplied of food, clothing, shelter, and as he grows he is introduced to education.  All is fun to him until he suddenly realises that the school he has been sent to is not a child's play.  He begins to receive pressure from his parents to take his studies seriously.  He begins to be told that his future lies in his hands.  He is told that not too long, he will graduate from a life of independence to a dependent life.  

Suddenly he notices himself struggling like others in his school to pass his examinations. not because it was fun but because he has been told that without passing well his future is bleak.  Then the struggle begins!  Suddenly he finishes his Secondary and tertiary education and his parents now shows him the way into the larger space called 'the world' to go and begin to fend for himself. He's reminded also to remember them and his siblings and indeed, other persons in terms of care - to give back!

It then dawns on him that the dependency syndrome is fast giving way to independence and the otherwise cheerful boy begins to look serious, moody and unstable in his thoughts.  He begins to ask himself, "what does the future holds for me?" which is now what propels all his searches for life's opportunities which in themselves are becoming harder and harder to find.

He chooses a career, pursues it rigorously, get married and begins to rear his own children.  Finally he becomes a parent himself.  Even though he might have built a house over his head, paying his children's school fees, bought himself a car or two, yet he still keeps on asking himself: "What's in life for me?".  This is because no matter how much he has achieved, one thing is constant in his mind: THERE'S UNCERTAINTY about everything in life.  He was still contemplating the safety in investing in shares when suddenly he saw everything crashed far below the capital invested in them! One thing therefore is clearer to him: that all his achievements can be wiped out in a second!  For this reason, fear grips him and this fear in turn propels him to become restless to the point that he might develop raised blood pressure.   This anxiety lives with him all the days of his life!

The wise one runs to God hinging all the hopes of his future in His hands. Dear reader, this is the best decision anybody can take - knowing God.  It is in God that life has meaning otherwise it is useless and a just a bundle of frustrations.  It is in God there's certainty of an assured future.  Life is full of unhappiness. No amount of struggles can give man the achievements that can guarantee his joy.  Only God can do that.  Therefore struggle but never make the mistake of forgetting to cling to God.  He loves* you and the fear of your tomorrow is unreal if you truly know Him. Good morning. 

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(*John 3:16)