Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Disclose It!

Disclose It!

Their mouths are full of lies;
they swear to tell the truth, but they lie instead..

Psalm 144:8

In order to gain more benefits, human beings are in the habit of never disclosing what they already possess, especially to those whom they expect to bless them. A debtor is more inclined to sing aloud to his creditor when his or her salary is not paid as a basis to appeal to the creditor to bear with them. But the moment they are paid, the creditor has to be the one to confront them with the fact to back up their demands for their money.

Children hide from their parents whatever gift is given to them so as not to reduce their allowances. Husbands feeling insecure in their wives’ hands hide their pay slips or income details from their wives. Some wives, in order to feel secured have amassed hidden wealth that their husbands must never know about.

Some lecturers who have deliberately marked down their target students will frown at such students calling for their scripts for the purposes of ascertaining their true performance.

Employers, wanting to maximise their profit, will rather amplify the areas of failures of business than the ones that will bring rewards to their employees who have done well or pay the right tax to Government.

Indeed experience has shown that in order for their black colleagues not to agitate for more pay, some reputable international organisations have developed separate reward systems and payrolls for their black as well as white employees!

For purposes of evading tax, some Churches that engage in profit-yielding ventures would still want to be seen as charitable or non-profit making bodies thereby failing to disclose the aspect of the church ventures that actually make profits that are liable to taxation.

Many desperate Governors who stole their ways into office would rather born the authentic ballot papers so that they will not nullify is stolen mandate at the Election Tribunal.

These are the typical examples of the true nature of man. He will do anything to protect his selfish interests. He’s not bothered whether the other man is hurt or not. That is why it is very difficult for many to become Christians they desire to be because they have something to hide.

Christianity demands that there is total transparency, honesty, equity and justice. But the world system demands ‘maximisation of personal gains’, whether at the detriment of others does not matter. That’s why a debtor who does not want to pay what he owes will rather engage a smart Lawyer to enforce the notorious six-month silence which makes his debt statute-barred! Equity and Christianity will not take that for a man who is owing must pay (even with interest!) unless the creditor voluntarily forgives him.

That is the dilemma with man. Dishonesty! That’s why nobody trusts the another. This ugly situation occurs simply because of the gains we stand to make. That’s why the world may truly know no peace because those cheated will always react when discovered, if only to assert their God-given rights!

Dear reader, check yourself. What are you hiding that should not be hidden? Disclose them today. Good morning.