I once gave out a copy of my autobiography
“Better Tomorrow” to a colleague named Mary. After reading it, she said, to me: “your book is so much like Ben Carson’s “
Gifted Hands” I have just read – so blessing, so practical” Indeed, I’d bring the book for you to read.” And she did. As at then, I’ve only heard of Ben Carson’s great writings but have never read any of them. After reading
“Gifted Hands”, I got the many messages Mary was trying to pass across to me. The greatest of which are that Bennie and I are a product of harsh environments and would want to share such to encourage others who care to be encouraged.
Not only that, as a Minister in Charge of Teenagers in our Church, I had organised seminars based on “Gifted Hands” where we read the entire book itself and listened to its digital audio. We have discussed it extensively and all my teenage children in the church had been inspired by Ben’s life. I have bought it as prize gifts. Finally, convinced that Ben Carson’s life story is more than just a story book, I ensured that the children met physically with Ben Carson at Tafawa Balewa Square sometime in 2008 when he was in Nigeria.
This much I did with Ben Carson’s book. Much more have I done with my own book “Better Tomorrow” earlier mentioned with these lucky children and I am happy to see them inspired. Thereafter, I have read Bennie's “Take The Risks”. I am currently reading “Think Big” anxious to read “The Big Picture” and any book Ben would ever write when am alive. I have shared some important statistics on risks analysis model B/WA (any many of Ben's important postulations with you my readers through daily energiser.
The greatest challenge we have in our part of the world is that we take things for granted. No doubt many of us are very knowledgeable but we deprive those who would have benefited (including our biological children) from that wealth of knowledge the opportunity to do so by not sharing them either writing or through seminars. Many young people’s lives would have today been transformed for the better if only we imbibe this.
No doubt Ben and I are identical in the sense that whatever we know we wish to share to advance other people. My discovery is that we are probably ruled by our life’s experiences but I tend to disagree with myself because there are many people who grew up in worse situations (who later overcame) and whose lives would have advanced the world but who refused to share such experiences.
How many Nigerian Doctors today will share their medical practice experiences with their juniors talkless of the younger generation who would have become better doctors than they are? This is applicable to other professionals as it is to medicine.
Why don’t we all, for once, set aside whatever is inhibiting us from blessing others and begin from now to reach out to others to inspire them. There’s nothing more inspiring than real-life experiences that are shared with those who are still in the waiting to experience such. Those inspired will be grateful for what you did for them and they are likely to copy you to inspire others. This is the essence of man’s existence! Hear what Ben says about sharing experiences in the introductory part of his book “Think Big”: ”God endowed me with ability but I would never have been cognizant of those gifts or used them of others had not taken time to SHARE their talents by giving their best to me”.
How do I share my experiences? Tell it to those nearest to you. Start with your own children. Write them in book form for those who are far away. BLOG THEM to the entire world just as I am blogging my daily energiser to you. Organise seminars. Share them in your worship centres. Tell them to friends, colleagues, etc.
In the next few days, I am going to do what I am preaching by sharing a few chapters of my book "Better Tomorrow" through "Daily Energiser". If they bless you, use it to bless others...
Good morning.
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