Luke 8:15
Without the word of God that is melting down our iron hearts, man is not better than wild animals. Ironically even with the heart-melting words of God that we hear, imagine how we still behave. The Bible says a man who commits adultery lacks understanding. But imagine a 'sane' man or woman practising homosexualism or lesbianism! Imagine a Church of God admitting them for 'weddings'. Imagine man kidnapping fellow man for ritual and feeding purposes! Imagine a man in authority fixing public funds in his private accounts first before giving any thought to serving the public that elected him to the post. This same man pays his tithes, offerings and is offered the highest seats in the front of our churches! There's no end to imagining the barbarism of man.
One just wonders what the world would have been like if there's no word of God. It would have been wilder than the world of the wildest animals!
Looking at what Jesus teaches us in the passage above is that it is not the much of the sermons we hear nor our regularity in worship centres, but those who retain in their hearts and DO what they heard from the word of God are people that are Godly. I am searching out myself. How about you? This life can be a better place for all if only we do what is right. Good morning.

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