Today’s Daily Energiser
Topic: The Dangers of a Danger?
Bible Text: A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Prov. 22:3
It is not difficult for us to identify dangers. Not at all. We all know that such luxuries such as alcohol, prostitution, (Hosea 4:11) adultery (Prov. 6:23), all endanger our lives. We all know that even though stolen bread is sweet, dangers are attached to it. We know that engaging in robbery is a very dangerous venture because one the culprit ewill not always be lucky. We all know that moving too close to a moving vehicle, no matter how slow the speed may can terminate our lives suddenly. Staging a coup against constituted authority, we know, is a deadly game. Plotting against your leader is very dangerous for your own progress in life. It is like toying with a dynamite. A Nigerian Head of State, Late General Abacha once said “a mere perception of a coup” is as dangerous as when it is executed!
In every venture we undertake, there are dangers that must be recognised and appropriately addressed. The dangers of a danger that if not properly nipped in the bud is that it can completely ruin a vision. A good example: we farmers use chemicals a lot and the manufacturers of these chemicals expressly warn us about the dangers of ‘the dangers’ in our hands.
Pesticides, we know, are very toxic and must not only be stored away from children (and adults alike) but adults using them must also protect themselves when they are being used. In our family we are very conscious of this fact and we act to the letter to make sure no calamity occur. But a day came that there was a slip in our safety process. The result? We lost some investments as a result of this error. That’s the reality of the dangers of a danger. May God continue to protect us iJn. What happened? Soldier ants evaded our poultry pen. We applied appropriate pesticides to destroy them.
However in the process of doing this, we inadvertently left the remainder of the pesticide in our corridor because everything was hurriedly done. While doing other tackling the ants, a junior member of our family went past where the chemical was kept hitting it unconsciously with his leg or so and the chemical bottle fell from its upright position and spilled on the floor where, unfortunately, the leftover of our pets feed was neatly kept in a polybag. One way or the other, the food was soaked by the chemical and later dried up. Unknown to us, we picked up this ‘dry’ food and fed them with it as their supper. The following morning, they were all stone dead! Who is to blame? In our family and business, we are a Team. This is a domestic accident, nothing more. Therefore we don’t look for who to blame. Instead, we look for lessons to learn to prevent recurrence of dangers.
What we learnt from this is that chemicals of whatever nature are dangerous so they must be kept away from wherever anybody can access it easily. Foodstuffs meant for humans and animals must never be within an accessible range of space to chemicals and must be so properly stored such that even when it slips it must not spill – all opened chemicals must be covered with a polythene and properly screwed to prevent it from spilling even if it slips.
Above all, we learn better the lesson that there are dangers in a danger. Chemicals are dangers. Their effects are dangers. So we must manage two dangers simultaneously.
Prayer Point: Father, in all my ventures in life, help me to recognise the dangers of dangers and to successfully manage them so that my destiny be not abruptly terminated in Jesus name.
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