Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Do You Run to God?

Except for those who were born to religious homes, majority of us approach God or whatever what we believe in (through Jesus, Mohammed, Ifa, Amadiora, etc) simply because we are facing some challenges in life that are bigger than us and we need help or better still for security reasons. Some of us do so because we want wealth or we want to know in advance what tomorrow holds for us. Only very insignificant number is serving God because they consider that behind everything visible, there's an invisible God who ought to be worshipped.

Let us share these facts with outselves. Not even Jesus give you money if you go to him simply because you need money. He will expect you to labour to get money. If Jesus tarries, and compulsorily you must die a physical death in this world, but you go to Jesus to protect you from dying, you are joking. When it is your appointed time to go, by whatever means, you will give up the ghost. If you run to Jesus because you don't want to face hardship in life, you are in a wrong place. Indeed I assure you, your hardship will increase for going to Jesus. The only thing is that if you truly believe in him, you will overcome them all. However, you can't run away from the pains of hardship. Jesus himself could do nothing about suffering pains to attain our salvation. Neither was John able to save himself from being beheaded nor did Jesus Christ save him.

Then why must I serve God, Serve Him because he must be served. He is awesome and holds the key to your life. Serve Him because He is the invisible hands behind all visible things. But you will worsen your story however, if you go to lesser gods first which is where many people are today. These gods can't help themselves WITHOUT ADDING SORROW to it. They will end up turning you to criminals.

So accept Jesus with his own lighter yokes and free yourselves from the heavy yokes of weaker gods. Good morning.
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