Don't let me refer you to the myriads of the world's religions and their offerings. Let me not bother you with the inter and intra-religious struggles going on amongst religionists. All these may not interest you. But one question i need to ask you is: has it ever occurred to you that the world is meaningless? Another one: people talk about God, god or gods, not so? Let's ask further probing questions about these God or god(s). If they exist then, who created them? Who created who created them? Who created who created who created them? Keep on asking - for I too have asked myself! Now, someone (Darwin he is called) wanting to find an answer to creation postulated the Evolutionary or the 'Big Bang' theorem which says man developed from as tiny as a single cell organ like amoeba and has evolved over time and through different stages to become the man we see today - so no God created anything! This theory was acclaimed but let us ask another question: what preceeded the 'big bang' that metamorphorsed into the 'evolutionary' theorem by Darwin? Something must preceed something. There is an infinite beginning. We only know of NOW. There is also an infinite tomorrow! What has all these questions led us all to? More and more confusions until our minds are totally blurred inside out!
Now why don't we just start our lives by begining with a belief system that there's somebody unseen behind all the happenings around us from dust to man, man to animals, animals to the entire eco-system: the firmaments, the oceans, the mountains the valleys, other millions of known and unknown planets?
The origin and validity of any nation's law/existence is traceable to her grund norm - the constitution of that country. Behind the constitution is the people all of whom you cannot number and cannot access and deal with individually! Yet we are inter-related and connected! Why don't we stop asking questions after BELIEVING (without bothering to prove the rightness or wrongness) that there's God and see. Follow the God and then see what He will do with our lives? What do we stand to gain believing in Him or disbelieving Him? That's our next blog - The Best/Worst Analysis of Believing and Serving God or Disbelieving Him.
Good morning.
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