Friday, November 13, 2009

Genuine Love Covers Offences

Rom. 3:23 tells us "For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God". But John 3:16 makes us understand that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

God always practically demonstrates what He means when He asks us to do or not to do something. If He were to make use of our sins, according to Rom. 3:23, no one would qualify for salvation. But because His love covereth the multitude of our sins, John 3:16 gave us salvation and even makes it voluntary "whosoever believes in Him".

It is our own turn to let go the sins of our fellow brethren and deal with them in love. It is only in love there's gain. Counting of sins against outselves produces anger and anger produces bad things like poor state of health and finally hell. Good morning.

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