The snares before men are are many but: Sex, Money and Power stand out. Maybe the fourth is Alcohol so lets tag them SMPA! Hardly can any man pass these tests, especially the first three (SMP). You don't know a humble man until you try him with money and power. You don't know a man who will survive the temptation of alcohol until he attains position of power and is wealthy. At that point, he is psychologically drunk and needs to top it with the 'finest brew' to be able to do certain things he ordinarily would not do. He may even add SMOKING to it!
Let's look at sex. No doubt men (even those born impotent or made impotent) generally admire women. However, most often, in men's hearts, these admiration go beyond simply appreciating beauty. It affects their hearts and minds.
Show me any man who says 'no woman appeals to me' and I will show you' two persons:a liar or a one-time playboy who, like King Solomon, had seen it all and become 'born-again'. For instance the hardest Pastors on sex issues are those who had once been playboys but later repented. So they hate tend to hate every appearance of sin. The very few who are prileged not to have experienced sexual wilderness are cautious because they know it is just by Grace and that the traps are still there waiting for them and the concern is when and whether the same grace that saw them thus far would avail them when eventually tempted! It doesn't matter whether they are married or single!
The true experience of average men is that some struggle to hold back, most cannot so they let lose. However, no man is exempted from at least one of the categories.
Both the old and new testament condemn those who could not hold back on sex. Jesus, in the new testament condemns those who could hold back (know what I mean?) So either way, man is the loser. He is confined to his 'cistern' to drink from but in reality, he always jumps out of that cage either physically or in his minds!
So sex is a litmus test for men. May God just have mercy on them! Good morning.
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