Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Value of Daily Devotionals To Your Life

"From my primary to Nigerian Law School, there was no subject or course content called "Unforgiveness". But in my spiritual education as a Christian, it was, it is, and it will remain a CORE subject!"

What will make you a millionaire, make your marriage work, make you excel in your career, guide you through to success in whatever endeavour you undertake in life, most often, do not form part of the subjects you are or will be taught in any formal training school.

Your success and how fast you attain it will depend upon how much information you are able to gather here and there and how well you are able to convert them for profit.   These pieces of information are to be gathered  here and there because they are not stored in one place.  They are stored in books and in people with whom we network on daily basis.  Therefore, to succeed, you need people and a good reading habit.  

On the people's side, making friends is very vital. Therefore those complimentary  cards you receive from people and give out to people yourself are very vital.  If properly managed, they are treasures that will draw you closer and closer to your success.  So keep them safe and make reference to them as the need arises.  Indeed develop an Excel database where you will extract to and store such vital information contained in these complimentary cards for immediate and future references.

On the right hand column of this blog-site is featured a write up (please read it often) on why an average person should cultivate a good and balanced reading culture, how to do so, where to source what to read  and how to read them.  Let me say at this juncture that anyone who is not reading is like a dead body whose bones has dried up.  There's no substitute to continuous acquisition of knowledge and it is a life-time project worth pursuing by everyone who is desirous of finding answers to the issues of life. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is money. Knowledge is recognition or fame.  Knowledge is safety.  Knowledge is security. Knowledge is the key to success.  You cannot afford to be lazy about it!

There's nothing that happens to us that has not happened to someone before.  Such people have solved such problems and when they are happening to us, we need to know how they did it so we can, , apply such validated principles to solve our own problems.  It's only a fool that will want to re-invent the wheels when solution is already available. For instance Books by the reknowned writer Ben Carson offer practical solutions to many issues of life ranging from medicine, faith, temperament, parenting, love, unforgiveness,  peer pressure, womanhood, student-teacher relationship, courtship, marital relationship, God-man relationship,   etc.  A colleague, Mary, once read my autobiography titled "Better Tomorrow" (click here to read it free) and concluded that it is surely in the ranks of Ben Carson's "Gifted Hands" both in context and in content.  When I read that book and the others written by Bennie, I could not but agree with Mary.  You may wish to find this out yourself by reading Bennie and Yemi's autobiographies. What book for instance can equal the Bible in giving us practical solutions to all that bother us?  The book of Proverbs for instance is a must-read for anyone who is seeking for wisdom.

Daily devotionals are one excellent source of gathering useful knowledge on how to handle some vital issues of life affecting us.  Let me explain.  Sometimes in the 1980's I had an encounter with a colleague who offended me so much that I concluded within me that no amount of persuasion, pleadings or spiritual maturity would change my mind.   She was a colleague in the office who was so rude that I felt the best thing to do was to take vengeance myself instead of allowing God to do so Himself.  With my knowledge of the law  I carefully reviewed the case concluded that I had a very good case and very bright chances of winning it.  I decided to pursue it to its logical conclusion.

I initiated a case against her. The matter dragged on for so long.  When it became obvious that she was losing out and it was very certain that she would lose her job, I began to receive emissaries both senior and junior colleagues, pleading for clemency on her behalf.  I stood my grounds.  It did not bother me whether she loses her job or not.

One morning, about the time a decision was to be reached on her case I picked up my daily devotion (then Daily Bread).  What stared me in the face was a case very similar to mine.  I read it and saw how the person offended amicably resolved it and the lessons that followed, I was moved.  Till date, I still remember the concluding sentence in that passage sentence says:  "It is human to err but divine to forgive".  This golden statement hit my heart, my mind and my conscience put together.  I was melted! I went straight ahead that morning to withdraw the case against my supposed 'adversary'!  After this action, I felt relieved deep down me.  All those who were pleading on her behalf  (to whom I had earlier given wrong signals) thanked me and life went on.  I wasn't even interested in whatever happened thereafter.  I was so hit that only 'forgiveness' and nothing more mattered to me and I forgave her.

I thank God I took that Godly decision and I am the better for it today. There and then I decided never to hold anything against anybody any more in throughout my life.  Today I am a strong advocate of FORGIVENESS.   From my primary school to Nigerian Law School, there was no subject or course content called "FORGIVENESS". But in my spiritual education as a Christian, it was, it is, and it will remain a CORE subject!  Yet this topic is so vital that if not permitted to reign in our daily lives, it can make nonsense of our lives altogether whatever achievements we may record.  

If I did not read that daily devotion, I would probably not have forgiven that lady and it would have counted against me before God and man. This is how important daily devotions can be.  They have helped me on several occasions in the effective management of all stages of my life.  Today I use Daddy Adeboye's "Open Heavens".  Through it, God always opens my mind to see how He wants me to behave in any situation.

I therefore strongly advise you, dear readers, no matter how busy your schedules are, please ensure that you not only purchase but make it a (consistent) habit to read at least one passage from any daily devotion of your choice.  This should be in addition but not a substitute to the recommended daily readings stated on the right column of this page! It will be a nice and meaningful way to make your 2010 and the years ahead fruitful.  By the way, DAILY ENERGISER, is a Daily Devotional Material! Read it every day!  Good morning.

Grab your copy of my book "Purposeful Parenting now!  It's only N500  (subsidised price) hard copy and N200 soft for the e-version. . It is available at CSS Bookshop, Lagos. or better still   Text or call me on 08034465225.You can mail me at It's part of the search for knowledge!
Click here to read Chapter 1

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