1 In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2 He existed in the beginning with God.
3 God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
4 The Word gave life to everything that was created,*
and his life brought light to everyone.
5 The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.* John 1:1
Everything about existence the planets, man, animals, plant, farmament, galaxies, oceans, the visible and the invisible, can be summed up simply as "words" by the "The Word". Through the "words", THE WORD created everything and mantains them.
Therefore "words" are powerful. How? Tell me anything in this world that is not created by God through the Word? And we are created in His image therefore through our own words we transmit His power. That's why parents who rain abuses or curses upon their children get the result in the latter days of the children. Likewise those who bless theirs also reap the benefits later in life. People who not only see evil but prophesy evil to their own lives receive what they requested from above. Therefore it is important that we realise how important our words are to our salvation. We should therefore not toy with them.
Think positively and positive things will happen to you. Never habour evil thoughts because they will manifest. Yet you will find yourself always struggling between the two. May God help us all. Good morning.
1. Prov. of (today's date) . Others: 1 chapter each in Gen., Psalm & Matthew read progressively . Need example?
Click here, select Day One to pick your bearing and continue to follow that progressivelyuntil the entire Bible is covered.
2. Ben Carson's "Gifted Hands" or Yemi Omogboyega's "Better Tomorrow"
click here to read the latter FREE.
3. Read at least 1 of today's newspapers; add a magazine
I'm too busy to read all these! It is not impossibe to do so. Do your very best. Ignorance can cost you everything, including your dear life! But knowledge will preserve them all.
Prayer point: Lord, this race is too sensitive. Help me through. Let there be light in Christiandom.
Quote of the day: "God is more focused on your tomorrows. Why do we discard your tomorrows when we can so desperately need they?- UCB Africa (The Word for Today) Oct. 31 page 57
Anyone staying away from Jesus is missing a lot! Don't be one of them for Jesus Loves you.
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