Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Policemen’s Dilemma

The Policemen’s


Of all the security agencies in Nigeria
The Police is the most traumatised
Rejected by the people they police
Rejected by their own Government
Rejected even by their own families
Their barracks are a weary environment
The most populated by,
Mostly unplanned children!
Insufficiency has been their lot
In an occupation –
the most risky of all jobs
Ye their enemies know them
While they know not all their enemies!
So their lives are subject
To abrupt termination at any time
Their remuneration
Is incommensurate and in arrears
To minimise  the imbalance
They resort to unbecoming practices
At unlikely places along the highways
Often unwillingly demeaning their consciences.
Frustration breeds bad conscience
When film makers seek to depict the poor professional in the society
The police or the Teacher
Is a ready illustration
Although the teachers
Are fighting for their rewards
Here upon the surface of the earth!)
Both professions
Deserve better deals

Though police, move so
To get the desired redressing
Not only from government
But the society too
Who treat them contemptuously
Urgently, police should improve themselves
With academic
And spiritual knowledge
Enough of poor recruits!
People-police harmony overdue
Police must stop inebriating
Must stop breeding like pigs
And invest in family and future
Knowing their hazardous career
They must look beyond career prospects
And gird themselves with God’s insurance
Such would restore their relevance
To self and their Creator
And stop their stigmatization
As poorly, ignorant and failures.

Culled from Yemi Omogboyega's "Positive Flashes" 

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