Friday, April 16, 2010

Take Lessons from Elders

Take Lessons from Elders

45 When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. 46 Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. 47 All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Of the 8 stages of life except biological marriage/parenting, (i.e. birth, education, career, retirement, death and history), Jesus Christ, the epitome of Christian faith demonstrated, how we should manage our lives. 

His pregnancy, did not follow the normal human reproduction approach but a mixture of human/spiritual.  Logically, to a carnal mind, this is illogical and indeed unscientific as well as leading to controversy-generation between believers and non-believers.  So as far as the secular law is concerned, Jesus Christ is an adopted child to Joseph his father so this contradicts the norm in normal relationship. 

He was born lowly, in a manger.  Ordinarily if he were the son of a President, nobody would give the excuse that there was no lodging place for him to be born!  However, in spite of this below-the-standard, delivery approach, he became great, so this tells us that circumstances of our birth should never determine the height we can get to in life.

As far as education is concerned, even though he is all-knowing God and at the same time a physical son of Joseph, he submitted himself to theological training from elders who had been there before him in the physical!  In other words, He is the essence of theology. but still gave himself to be tutored about himself!  He never despised a little beginning.  He understood that Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding go together to ensure a successful ministry and from his childhood he applied himself to study such that by age 12, he was already knowledgeable to the point that people marvelled. 

 In career, even though he knew his ministry and purpose for humanity which is salvation, he gave himself to learning carpentry under the watchful eyes of his Carpenter father Joseph.  He subjected himself to the training.  Another lesson to us on the need to balance our spiritual and secular activities and to be prepared to bear responsibilities.

Though he did not marry, his teachings generally never contradicted God’s will for marital institution and in parenting, he became to all children more than their parents could be – a healer, a lover, a guide, their defender, advocate, playmate, and someone who enjoyed the company of children more than people who brought them forth biologically.

In retirement as symbolised by his resurrection after death and now sitting on the right hand of His Father till his second coming, he proved himself accomplished. He retired at the age of 33 years yet he fully accomplished his mission.  While many of us are altering our ages today not wanting to leave our paid employment, Jesus Christ prepared himself for 30 years, ministered full-time for only 3 and a half years, finished his assignment and left the scene gracefully. 

As for death, of course physically death could not hold him captive.  He conquered it physically by reason of his resurrection. That singular act is the most important life-wire of Christianity, and where many other religions fall below the mark. 

History.  History is all about leaving a legacy – good or bad. We all know what Jesus has left behind as a legacy – salvation – for those who believe in him.  That message of salvation is what divides the world into two parallel groups: believers and unbelievers today and his impact upon humanity is widening by per second.

Now Jesus therefore is a good example of knowledge, hardwork, accomplishments, humility, good success and everything good.  He laid examples for us all to follow even whether we believe in him or not

One of such good examples is the fact that a child MUST OF NECESSITY COOPERATE WITH HIS OR HER PARENTS, if he must succeed. Jesus co-operated with Mary and Joseph and his extended family.  Even after looking for him for three days (one would ask logically speaking  how can caring parents leave their children behind?). That’s logic. So let’s leave it for psychologists to determine.

Jesus’ story also showed clearly how parents should respect the views of their children.  When he told them “don’t you know I must be about my Father’s business” Mary and Joseph did not shout him down, neither did they apply the ‘rod’ which is today’s evidence of effective parenting!  Jesus and Mary were at the wedding where wine got finished.  Mary consulted him, yet he was only a child!  What’s the matter with a child’s opinion in this matter?.  Jesus recognised that his time had not come but for her mother not to be put to shame, and to prove a point that with his cooperation with his own heavenly Father, miracle could happen, there and then he performed his first miracle!

When children fight their parents today, particularly children raised in Christian homes or parents curse or claim they ‘disown’ their children, I wonder whether they both know Christ!  It should not be heard of that that ever happen in any Christian home but it is happening not only at home but right in our churches – penticostal, orthodox, liberal or charismatic!

Let’s go back to the basics and follow Jesus’ example precept by precept and the world will become a better place to live in!  Good morning. 

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