Thursday, April 1, 2010

Vanity Upon Vanity!

All Is Vanity!

 "Everything is meaningless,”
says the Teacher, “completely meaningless.”
Eccl. 12:8

If anybody doubts the contents of the Bible, then that person is off all people, most foolish!  If King Solomon experienced what he did and wrote what he wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes as far back as he did, then there's something in this Bible that makes it unique above all other books!  For instance all man's total existence dances around the provisions of this great book. 

For instance, if you so love luxuries of life eg. women, wealth, alcohol,  and so on, or you are tired of serving a living God and want to try other gods, King Solomon has a poser for you - to let you know that having dwelt in them all, it is all MEANINGLESS.  

The Bible roundly condemn such acts of indecency and moral bankcruptcy called "adultery".  From Genesis to beyond Revelation i.e. our own daily lives today, we all actively involve ourselves in it either physically or in our minds.  King Solomon did it intrinsically and extrinsically.  Before he physically took his 300 wives and 700 concubines to bed, he must have done so in his heart.  He must have taken some other thousands of women to bed in his heart outside the ones he was 'bold' enough (just as many of us - foolish people  - are today) even though we feel guilty in our hearts that we do it.  It is foolish.  It makes us feel guilty, yet we cannot resist it!

Then comes alcohol, Kings Solomon brewed the best of wine - my late mother would call it 'otin, otin' (undiluted, original wine right from its source!).  He came back to tell us he regretted it all. 

We want to serve God through lesser gods because the invisibility of the Omnipotent God tends to give us some elements of uncertainty.  Yet the Bible says, 'those who serve them are like them', "with eyes, but cannot see,  with legs but cannot walk, with mouths but cannot speak'.  Does that prevent us from worshipping them?  Another foolishness!

The Bible tells us to pursue one most important pursuit of life - the Kingdom of God - and that God will give us our hearts' desires as 'additionals'.  But today if you see a fluorishing church, majority of worshipers there have not come to serve God but go there to receive miraculous breakthroughs such as money, healing, prosperity, etc thereby playing down 'righteousness' and holiness that is most important to God.

The one that particularly is particulary tempting is the pursuit of money!  The Bible say's 'there's no end to pusuing money, but wise people knows where to stop'.  Yet we pursue it to the point that we forget God only to discover sometimes during our life times that it is meaningless because it doesn't particularly make us joyful even when possessed!

Why don't we all do a rethink of our ways?  We've tried pursuing money, wealth, etc but they've all given us pains instead of pleasure, thereby makingour lives meaningless!  Then why then don't for once, try God and make our lives meaningful!  Good morning.

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