Biological or Adopted Children: What's the Difference?

The world has many ways of distinguishing situations and things! They have a way of discriminating among themselves, their children, and so on.
We are taking a look at the difference between a biological child and an adopted one. A biological child is a child that is given birth to directly by parents while adopted child is a child not given birth to directly by parents who take charge of their upkeep. This singular difference between these two children which is the fact that one is a 'direct' while the other is 'indirect' has given rise to how each child is treated. There's a high emotional attachment to 'direct' children such that there's no limit to the quantum of his inheritance in terms of love, affection,care, provision, etc. But when it is the turn of the 'indirect' children, some parents are very conscious to determine the limit of their benefits. The most interesting aspect of this discriminatory treatment is the fact that even when a foster parent tries to bridge the gap, he or she will be reminded to discriminate! Many of these people engineering discriminatory treatments are supposedly men and women of God!
Now let's face the reality test. All Christians are 'adopted' children. Jesus Christ himself was adopted by Joseph because he did not father him biologically! All of us are therefore children of God by adoption and joint hiers with Christ. All of us expect that once we belong to Christ, we should be treated equally by God the Father as he would treat Christ i.e. our inheritance should be the same. But here on earth, we discriminate on the basis of biology! when it is our turn, God should not bother about 'biology' but when it is 'their' turn, we discriminate against those who have no 'biological' relationship with us. These are the contradictions about our lives.
If I say let's treat everybody equally, I know I will be generating a controversy for not even a Christian who has been taught extensively about how to demonstrate love to their neighbours as themselves or even to their enemies will agree with me whereas doing less than that is living below God's standard. It will even sound strange before extended family members to apportion an equal treatment to a person considered a total stranger to the family's inheritance. Yet this development is a food for thought for all who are interested in advancing course of love. It is not impossible to treat your adopted children like your biological ones if you care to do so. However, even if you still, struggle with the mere thought of its possibility, and you still wonder as to how you can will so 'heavy' inheritance to your adopted children why not demonstrate extra love by giving them good clothing, food, education, and things that will make them feel truly loved?
Who are your 'adopted' children? The children you legally adopted from orphanage homes following strict legal rules or just adopted because you have sympathy for them. Your salaried house helps. The younger members of your extended family whom you have brought under your roof. Good morning.
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