Saturday, June 28, 2014

I Have A Message For You (1)

My experience as a Pastor reveals that most church goers do not grasp the essence of the enormous KEYS to an all-round success being released by pastors through sermons. They only seem to enjoy the anointing services, the proclamations of blessings, the vigils, the laying of hands, the use of objects such as white handkerchiefs, annointing oil, touching the garments of Pastors, etc attendance at anointing services, and so on but fail to accept the fact that God does not perform magic but miracles rooted in prayers, hard work and faith.

My admonition for such people is to understand that if they must succeed, they should embrace prayers, and the 10 Babylon theories (read "THE RICHEST MAM IN BABYLON") of which are: identify and take advantage of all available opportunities, become an entrepreneur, consistently invest the little they have to generate more money, have as many streams of incomes, own a home early in life, plan for their retirement. Prayers without practising these will amount to failure. Please be wise by being "fervent in prayers, not slothful in business". Your sucess is guaranteed.



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